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Pale Girl Chic Blog

Pale Girl Problem: How To Enjoy The Sun Without Frying

[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 13, 2013 9:40:00 AM / by Sarah Phillips

815eeb845d4a1d69c9524792ce73c920Being pale, the sun isn't always my best friend. However, like most humans, I still enjoy being outside and getting some fresh air. I've found that the best way to enjoy the outdoors, and not pay for it later(i.e., painful sun burns) involves a bit of prep work - the best offense is a good defense right?

Here's some tips on how to enjoy the sun without frying:

1. Come prepared. 

I almost always have a bottle of my favorite suntan lotion (Neutrogeana Ultra Sheer) in my purse, but when I'm going to be spending a day outside, I definitely make sure to have a bottle.

It is zero fun to actually feel your skin burning, so save yourself the pain and apply the suntan lotion prior to going out and then bring the bottle along with you. (You will thank yourself that night). Also, make sure you use chapstick or lip color that has SPF - burned lips aren't any fun either.

2. Wear layers. 

Especially if you're going to be on the beach, make sure you have a cover up (with the shoulders covered) to give your skin a break during the day.

3. Accessorize smartly (and stylishly). 

Okay, so being stylish won't suddenly make your pale girl skin immune to the effects of the sun, but...why not be cute while you're at it? Bring sunglasses and a hat. And being smart can also be stylish. 

4. Scope out the shade. 

If you're spending the day in a park, for example, try laying your blanket so that half of it is in the shade and the other half is in the sun. This lets your friends (especially ones who are darker skin) to tan, while you can still protect your skin under the shade. Also, if you want some sun, just scootch your but over a bit.

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Sarah Phillips

Written by Sarah Phillips

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